5) Transistor Information Came to Japan from GHQ

Copy of the documents obtained from GHQ (Enlargeable)

"The transistor information came from GHQ," if we follow the saying, "Lights come from the East." As soon as the transistor invention was formally announced from Bell Telephone Laboratories (BTL) on June 30 1948, the information was promptly sent to Japan through GHQ (General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) in the middle of July.
Sakuji Komagata, Chief Director at Electro Technical Laboratory and Yasushi Watanabe, Professor of Tohoku University received the information from F. Polkinghorn who belonged to research group of CCS (Civil Communication Section) of GHQ.

The photographs are the copy of documents sent to Japan side. They are actually the version which were re-typed by Wataru Sasaki who belonged to Komagata Laboratory (later, Professor at Department of Science at the University of Tokyo), probably because the original documents included some military related information. That is why "Gotanda Electric Test Laboratory" is on the upper end of the documents. Torao Ichinomiya who worked at Electron Tube Department at Electric Test Laboratory (later, Deputy Director of Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) showed me these copies, and I took the pictures of the several pages. The two pages from the left in the photograph show the document for the transistor special explanatory meeting exclusively for military personnel on Jun 23, 1948, prior to public opening, and the rightmost page shows the summary of the explanation by R. Born of BTL at the press release on Jun 30 with a date of July 9 on the document.

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“Mr. Shimura’s Essays with Historic Photos”    Semiconductor History Museum of Japan
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